Ziele & Indikatoren | Vorläufige Projektbeschreibung Stand 02.2017 (veraltet) (Short Date 04-2017)
Hier ein kleiner Überblick über die SINN-zusammenhänge von Reden, Sprachen und Musik, die in den jeweiligen Teilen verwendet werden sollen. Bisher abgeschlossen sind Teil 1, 3 & 4 mit einer Gesamtlänge von 60 Minuten.
sentence | article | author/speech | continent | culture | language |
1. | §1 | Introduktion: Artikel Nr. 1 „Choral & Fuge“ in 12 Sprachen | Alle | Alle | 12 Sprachen sukzessiv |
2. | § 2-4 | 1.Kevin Rudd (2008) „Entschuldigungsrede“ | Australien | Aborigines | indonesisch,
englisch |
3. | §5-7 | 2.Rede von Häuptling Seattle (1855) | Nordamerika | Indogene Völker | Deutsch |
4. | § 8-14 | 3.M. L. King „I have a dream“ (1963) | Südamerika | Afroamerikaner | Englisch
portugisisch |
5. | § 15-20 | 4.N. Mandela & A. Schweitzer: 1. Gedicht & 2. Gedicht | Afrika | Afrikanische Völker | Arabisch
Swahili |
6. | § 21-24 | 5.Charlie Chaplin: Schlussrede aus „Der große Diktator“ (1944) | Europa | Europäer | Spanisch
französisch italienisch |
7. | § 25-27 | 6.M. Gandhi: Zitate | Asien | Indien, China, Russland | Hindhi
chinesisch russisch |
8. | § 28-30 | Postludium & Reprise:
„Choral & Fuge“ in 12 Sprachen |
Alle | Alle | 12 Sprachen
Simultan |
§ principles §
On our way to understand the reason for the gap between wishes and lived reality on earth we have a look at a core question and a single answer:
How and what do I think about myself and others? In a more philosophical way: What picture do people have about people? Is man a wolf to man or a friend? This principle question has existed as long as man has existed. Religions, current scientific findings and common sense have more similar answers than we ever wanted to believe. They talk about cooperation and a peaceful coexistence. In contrast, ruling historiography over the last 5000 years that tells us differently and marks war as answer to almost everything. After approximately 65 to 70 million people being killed in two world wars, the general assembly created the 1st resolution of Human Rights on the 10/12/1948. What picture of humanity do these articles of Human Rights show?
§ article 1
“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”
Almost 70 years after their creation, these laws do not seem to be a real motivation or ethical standard for practical politics. Veiled hegemonic aims, a self-destructive economic system, consumerism and medial disinformation led to lethargic people in a mass. Man keeps apart from being a man.
Those 30 articles which apply to everyone without exception, on paper, are the lowest common denominator and therefore the core of the partnership agreement of all the 7 continents.
Doesn’t it represent the pressing and necessary requirement of our time to pay close attention to this lowest common denominator as a community of destiny in the face of destruction of our shared world? I claim that an overwhelming majority would shout “yes!” to each of the articles of Human Rights, if they were asked, and knew the articles at all! But who asks them?
Those who cannot speak any more must get a voice from those are still able to do so. Let us start speaking and singing!